West Cheshire Rural

Map Reading for Walkers

The aim of the Map Reading for Walkers Group is to learn more about ordnance survey maps and how we can use the information on them to explore areas of the countryside with more confidence. Marjorie Watson will be leading the group. Marjorie has a wealth of experience in leading walks in the UK.

The group meets on an ad-hoc basis with a mix of practical and theoretical exercises.

The Tattenhall area straddles three separate Ordnance Survey maps so when you are walking in this area you might need to refer to all three. Marjorie has recently discovered that you can order from Ordnance Survey your own customised map that centres on a particular area. You define the boundaries of your map and you can even use one of your own photographs for the front cover of the map.

If anyone is interested in joining this group, please contact Marjorie Watson by clicking on the mail icon and following the instructions

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Sunday Dining 2 Sunday Lunch Group Ukulele Walking Group
More Group Pages
Art Appreciation Calligraphy
Canasta Chapter chat (Reading 1)
Cryptic Crosswords Dining 1
Dining 2 Discussion
Drawing Historic Places and Gardens
Mah-Jong for Beginners Map Reading for Walkers
Music Appreciation Pageturners (Reading Group 2)
Poetry for Pleasure Quiz
Sunday Dining 2 Sunday Lunch Group
Ukulele Walking Group