South Bucks

Garden Lovers

Unfortunately, the current convenors have stepped down and no-one has volunteered to take over. If anyone would be able to take on the role, please contact Fiona Wright at

There now follows details of how the group was run

1st Wednesdays, 14.15 usually at selected garden

Please note that all joining the Gardens Outings do so at own risk

The aim of the group is to bring together those with a love of gardens and gardening, a desire to get new ideas for their own gardens and to exchange ideas and (from time to time) plants and seeds. To do this, from early spring to late autumn, the group visits a variety of gardens, public and private (many of the latter in the Yellow Book); these are mainly within an hour’s drive of Beaconsfield. Once a year there is a day’s outing by coach to somewhere farther afield. All outings usually end up with tea and cake or biscuits.

NB. If you wish to join any of the meetings and haven't signed up, or if you have signed up, and subsequently find you are unable to attend, please contact one of the Convenors.

More Group Pages
MONTHLY MEETINGS Antiques & Collectables Bird Watchers Book Group 1
Book Group 2 Bridge Current Affairs Dining in
Discovering Art Exploring London Group Film Appreciation French Conversation Monthly
Garden Lovers German Conversation History Informal Bridge
Italian Conversation Jazz & Traditional Blues Appreciation Jazz Band Mah Jong
MOTO (Members On Their Own) Musical Pot-pourri Philosophy Poetry
Recorders Science Shorter Walks Singing for Fun
Spanish Intermediate Spotlight on Eastern Europe & Beyond Stretch Table Tennis
Tea & Chat Technology Tennis Theatre Visits
Walks Wine Club z_______Croquet* z_________Bowls*
More Group Pages
MONTHLY MEETINGS Antiques & Collectables
Bird Watchers Book Group 1
Book Group 2 Bridge
Current Affairs Dining in
Discovering Art Exploring London Group
Film Appreciation French Conversation Monthly
Garden Lovers German Conversation
History Informal Bridge
Italian Conversation Jazz & Traditional Blues Appreciation
Jazz Band Mah Jong
MOTO (Members On Their Own) Musical Pot-pourri
Philosophy Poetry
Recorders Science
Shorter Walks Singing for Fun
Spanish Intermediate Spotlight on Eastern Europe & Beyond
Stretch Table Tennis
Tea & Chat Technology
Tennis Theatre Visits
Walks Wine Club
z_______Croquet* z_________Bowls*