South Bucks

Discovering Art

2nd Wednesday, 14.00 Rosetti Hall

Click on Venue name for map

THE DISCOVERING ART STUDY GROUP mainly studies painting, although is interested in all forms of art.

The monthly talks are presented by members except in August when traditionally the group hires a coach to visit a gallery or art collection outside London. A visit may also be arranged at any time should there be an exhibition of particular interest in, say, Cambridge or Birmingham.

A particular school, era, or aspect of painting is studied in depth each year by a small focus group, and its findings usually presented to the main meeting.

Members naturally follow London exhibitions with interest, and the group subscribes to the National Gallery bi-monthly programme. Other programmes and lists of current and future exhibitions are available at meetings.

Two members run the library, others provide the technology, and everyone helps in some way to ensure the group's success.

If you would like to visit Discovering Art, please contact the Convenor.


Google have recently launched a web site which applies the well known Streetview techniques to many world-wide art galleries. The use can take a 'walk' round the chosen gallery and view a high resolution photograph of any selected painting, Galleries include the Tate Britain, National Gallery, Rijksmuseum, Museum of Modern Art and many others.

To access this site click here:

Dates for your Diary
Wed Nov 13th Kay Harrison: subject TBA
Wed Dec 11th Trevor Coe: 'Christmas Surprise'
Wed Jan 8th Eric Harris: 'Dame Laura Knight'
More Group Pages
MONTHLY MEETINGS Antiques & Collectables Bird Watchers Book Group 1
Book Group 2 Bridge Current Affairs Dining in
Discovering Art Exploring London Group Film Appreciation French Conversation Monthly
Garden Lovers German Conversation History Informal Bridge
Italian Conversation Jazz & Traditional Blues Appreciation Jazz Band Mah Jong
MOTO (Members On Their Own) Musical Pot-pourri Philosophy Poetry
Recorders Science Shorter Walks Singing for Fun
Spanish Intermediate Spotlight on Eastern Europe & Beyond Stretch Table Tennis
Tea & Chat Technology Tennis Theatre Visits
Walks Wine Club z_______Croquet* z_________Bowls*
More Group Pages
MONTHLY MEETINGS Antiques & Collectables
Bird Watchers Book Group 1
Book Group 2 Bridge
Current Affairs Dining in
Discovering Art Exploring London Group
Film Appreciation French Conversation Monthly
Garden Lovers German Conversation
History Informal Bridge
Italian Conversation Jazz & Traditional Blues Appreciation
Jazz Band Mah Jong
MOTO (Members On Their Own) Musical Pot-pourri
Philosophy Poetry
Recorders Science
Shorter Walks Singing for Fun
Spanish Intermediate Spotlight on Eastern Europe & Beyond
Stretch Table Tennis
Tea & Chat Technology
Tennis Theatre Visits
Walks Wine Club
z_______Croquet* z_________Bowls*