2nd Thursdays, 14.00 Members' Homes
We are a small group, with about six to eight people attending a typical monthly meeting. We meet at the homes of members who can accommodate the group, in a rough cycle, by arrangement amongst ourselves. Most administrative communication is by e-mail.
It is a friendly and informal group of men and women, where we help each other to understand our chosen topic, and debate the philosophical content, putting forward our own views. The discussion is lively, friendly, often funny. We do take the subject seriously, but not pedantically.
Our method of working is to agree on a book or online source, which we all look at ahead of meetings. If it’s a book, we choose one which is not too expensive (often available second-hand online) and we may cover it in one or more sessions. Topics have included studies of famous philosophers (their thinking rather than their life-histories), and key philosophical issues – See below.
The convenor, or a volunteer, often prepares and circulates notes in advance, and launches the discussion in the meeting. But the meeting is wholly interactive in nature - not a presentation. We try to get to grips with some deep issues through the works of modern professional and/or classical philosophers, working out our own approaches and insights as we go.
So what is philosophy? We borrow a definition from one of our books: “the clarification of concepts, for the purpose of the critical evaluation of beliefs”. And some of the key concepts which have long occupied philosophers are:
Nature of reality (ontology) - What really exists?
Problem of knowledge (epistemology) - What can we really know?
Causation – Do effects necessarily follow from causes?
Time – In the mind or in the universe? Absolute or relative?
Philosophy of science – The nature of “proofs”. The “laws” of nature.
The mind - Consciousness, freedom of the will, Artificial Intelligence…
Ethics – The basis/bases of moral codes. Fixed or culture-specific?
Political philosophy - The source of the State’s authority, citizens’ ‘rights’…
There are rarely definitive answers to any of the questions raised in the topics above, but if you are intrigued or curious to delve into them, in a friendly and supportive group, then do come and join us. You will be most
Contact John Corran, convenor at for more details.
Dates for your Diary | |
Thu Oct 10th | Philosophy group meeting. 2 pm. Location TBA |
Thu Nov 14th | Group meeting. 2 pm, location to be advised by email. |
Thu Dec 12th | Group meeting. 2 pm, location to be advised. |
Thu Jan 9th | Group meeting. 2 pm, location to be advised. |