Informal Bridge
1st & 3rd Wednesday, 13.30 - 15.30 Rear Lounge of St Thomas Church Hall
Click on Venue name for map
Why play bridge?
It takes only rudimentary knowledge to begin playing and enjoying bridge, although this is not a game for those who demand instant gratification. Learning to play well takes time. But that is precisely why bridge is so popular, and why it is called "the game for a lifetime".
The Bridge for Beginners and Refreshers group is both for those members who have never played cards before and those who would like to refresh their knowledge of the game. The aim of these members is to acquire or re-acquire the knowledge and experience to enable them to join the ranks of those who clearly get enormous satisfaction and pleasure from playing bridge. The group has been meeting for some time and the participants are clearly enthusiastic about progressing their knowledge further. Two experienced bridge players are on hand to provide coaching and advice appropriate to each member’s knowledge and ability. The group probably represents the least expensive way to take up and play the game in South Bucks. All it takes is the SBU3A’s annual membership subscription.
The Convenor’s aim is to get members up to the stage of being able to play and enjoy social bridge, known as “rubber” bridge, with family and friends. Whether graduates from the experience will be able, and will want, to go on and play in local club tournaments known as “duplicate” bridge, only time will tell.
The group meets in the rear lounge of St Thomas’ Church hall, Mayflower Way, Holtspur from 1.30 to 3.30pm on the first and third Wednesday of the month. For further information contact the Convenor, Christine Miller 07712 525165 or by email at