Welcome to South Bucks u3a
Founded in 1988, we currently have c390 members and c30 active groups which meet usually on a monthly basis. A full list of the activities currently available may be found by clicking on the "Groups" tab above. A copy of our current newsletter which gives details of all our activites can be viewed or downloaded.
Membership is open to anyone who is not in full-time paid employment and is open to all ages, although there is an obvious peak at retirement age. We particularly wish to see younger members join and support us and our older less active members. We are a registered charity.
The purpose of the u3a (University of the Third Age) is to provide its members with a fulfilling purposeful 'third age' after the first (learning) and second (earning) by enouraging active participation in old and new interests. Keeping active physically and mentally, making new friends, gaining new experiences and meeting new challenges rather than feeling left to their own devices.
The u3a is a self-help organisation - members learn and help others to learn in fun and friendly small interest and activity groups, sharing their own skills and experiences with others as well as learning and developing new ones for themselves.
For more information you may send an email to one of our Committee members by clicking on the "Click here to send a message" icon on the right of this screen, or you can download a copy of our New Member Application Form which is available from a link also on the right.
Please click these links for details about how we manage your personal information Data Privacy and Data Protection
Once a month on the third Tuesday at 2 pm, we have a General Meeting for all members following the same guidelines with a speaker, talking on a wide variety of topics. The venue is the Beacon Centre, Holtspur, Beaconsfield.
We are also affiliated to the local network of u3as which provides additional one-off special interest days. The current programme can be viewed via the U3A THAMES VALLEY NETWORK STUDY DAYS link on the right, or for more information, please go directly to the Thames Valley U3A Network site.