South Bucks

Musical Pot-pourri

Third Wednesday of the month at 2.00 pm at Wrights Meadow Centre, High Wycombe

Looking at, listening to and discussing various genres of music - suggestions and contributions welcomed.
Please contact the convenor Bob Moore 01494 712842 or via for confirmation of current venue.

More Group Pages
MONTHLY MEETINGS Antiques & Collectables Bird Watchers Book Group 1
Book Group 2 Bridge Current Affairs Dining in
Discovering Art Exploring London Group Film Appreciation French Conversation Monthly
Garden Lovers German Conversation History Informal Bridge
Italian Conversation Jazz & Traditional Blues Appreciation Jazz Band Mah Jong
MOTO (Members On Their Own) Musical Pot-pourri Philosophy Poetry
Recorders Science Shorter Walks Singing for Fun
Spanish Intermediate Spotlight on Eastern Europe & Beyond Stretch Table Tennis
Tea & Chat Technology Tennis Theatre Visits
Walks Wine Club z_______Croquet* z_________Bowls*
More Group Pages
MONTHLY MEETINGS Antiques & Collectables
Bird Watchers Book Group 1
Book Group 2 Bridge
Current Affairs Dining in
Discovering Art Exploring London Group
Film Appreciation French Conversation Monthly
Garden Lovers German Conversation
History Informal Bridge
Italian Conversation Jazz & Traditional Blues Appreciation
Jazz Band Mah Jong
MOTO (Members On Their Own) Musical Pot-pourri
Philosophy Poetry
Recorders Science
Shorter Walks Singing for Fun
Spanish Intermediate Spotlight on Eastern Europe & Beyond
Stretch Table Tennis
Tea & Chat Technology
Tennis Theatre Visits
Walks Wine Club
z_______Croquet* z_________Bowls*