Details of forthcoming activities (meetings, visits, social occasions, etc.) are registered as events on SiteWorks sites, helping editors to ensure that the information is always up-to-date. Event data collected from individual sites and stored centrally provides an overview of u3a activities across the whole country.
Today (20/01/2025) the Oversights database holds records for 6482 future events from 501 SiteWorks sites A typical record includes the date, a category, a title, and an associated group name if applicable. The records can be searched by date or keyword: the resulting list will be arranged by geographic area, and link to the relevant pages on the local websites.Search by date:
Choose a future date with the date-picker and press 'Go'.
Search by event type:
Here are some frequently-used words to categorise an event.
Choose one from the list below and press 'Go'.
Search by keyword:
To look for a word or phrase ib any event record, enter it in the normal search box and press 'Return' or 'Go'.