Joining the Groups

Group-based learning is the central activity for all u3as; discovering what groups are running in which u3a is the most useful function Oversights can offer. To achieve that end, individual SiteWorks databases are interrogated over the internet via a Wordpress API (Application Programming Interface) supplied by a member of the SiteWorks team. The group names and page addresses discovered in this way are stored in an Oversights database, along with similar data from the Site Builder database.

Today (14/09/2024) the Oversights database holds 13591 group records from 344 SiteWorks sites and 9713 group records from 305 Site Builder sites. Those proportions will change over time as more sites migrate to SiteWorks. Records from each source are automatically refreshed at short regular intervals to ensure that search results are up-to-date.

The tag cloud below shows the most commonly-occurring topics for u3a groups, based on current information. Click any name there (or enter a name in the search box and press Return or 'Go') to look for matches. When a general topic has many variations, there will be an opportunity to narrow down the search. Try clicking 'History' to see how many different kinds of history are studied by u3a groups!

Group Name Tag Cloud

 ambling   archaeology   architecture   art   astronomy   badminton   bird-watching   book   boules   bowling   bowls   bridge   canasta   card-making   chess   cinema   coffee-morning   computing   craft   cribbage   crochet   croquet   crossword   current-affairs   cycling   dancing   dining   discussion   drawing   exercise   film   flower-arranging   food   french   games   garden   genealogy   geology   german   golf   guitar   history   holiday   italian   jazz   knitting   latin   literature   lunch   mah-jong   meditation   moto   music   nature   opera   out   painting   patchwork   petanque   philosophy   photography   pickleball   pilates   poetry   psychology   quilting   quiz   reading   recorder   rummikub   science   scrabble   sewing   shakespeare   singing   snooker   social   spanish   strolling   tai-chi   tennis   theatre   travel   ukulele   visits   walking   whist   wine   writing   yoga