Paisley & District

Online Across Scotland

From - Linda Matheson - Vice Chair u3a Scotland

Online Across Scotland (OAS) meets monthly

OAS is a u3a aimed at those u3a members who are unable or unwilling to attend u3a groups and meetings in person because they have no u3a locally, or their u3a does not run groups for a subject they wish to study, and for those members who have disability, illness or caring responsibilities.

OAS has an exciting programme of talks planned to which all u3a members in Scotland are invited. These will be held on the first Thursday of each month at 4pm.
Obviously clashes with our own monthly meetings I'm afraid.

Take a look also at the groups on offer through OAS. These are being constantly added to as more groups and short courses come on line, such as Scottish Writers, Gaelic and Spanish.

Would you like to offer OAS a group, talk or short course? Please get in touch.

More Group Pages
Architecture Group art Appreciation Board Games Book Group
Bridge Buddies Conversational Spanish crochet group Local History
Lunch group Music Makers Online Across Scotland Opera appreciation
Outdoor Sketching Group Pickleball Science & Technology The Garden Gang
Theatre/Cinema Ukulele Group Walking Group
More Group Pages
Architecture Group art Appreciation
Board Games Book Group
Bridge Buddies Conversational Spanish
crochet group Local History
Lunch group Music Makers
Online Across Scotland Opera appreciation
Outdoor Sketching Group Pickleball
Science & Technology The Garden Gang
Theatre/Cinema Ukulele Group
Walking Group