Paisley & District



Pickleball venue: On-X Centre Linwood

Day: Every Monday (EXCEPT for public holidays)

Time: 1-2pm

The group only play doubles so you will always have someone there to help with the rules and to cheer you along.
Bats and balls will be provided. Just remember to wear suitable/appropriate footwear for a gym hall.
Everyone welcome.

If you just want to come along and watch to see what you think feel free to do so.
We are a friendly bunch and don't take ourselves too seriously. Always an opportunity for a cuppa and a chat afterwards.

Irene Keith
I wanted to know more about this sport and so I went along to a session at the On-x Centre in Linwood. This
gave me the opportunity to try it out.
Pickleball is a cross between tennis and table tennis. It can
be played on an indoors or outdoors court. Players use a large bat, a hard plastic ball and a low
net for shots.
Excellent, I thought, this is just the thing to develop through u3a. When I sounded
out our members, I got a tremendous response with 22 wanting to try it.

Please email me via the Contact page of the website.

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