Heatons & Reddish

Current Affairs

Current Affairs

Contact Peter L (click name to contact)

The Current Affairs Discussion Group meets twice a month, second and fourth Wednesdays, to consider issues that are or have been in the news.

The convener invites questions in advance and otherwise compiles a list of about six topics.

It is a participatory group and members are encouraged to contribute but also to listen to one another in a convivial and respectful manner. We range fairly widely and include matters that might appear under foreign news as well as the many issues that fill the pages and platforms of our media.

Attendance is usually between twelve and sixteen people and there are a few vacancies for anyone interested. I usually suggest attending a trial meeting to see if the content and format suits you.

At present, meetings are held from 2.00pm until 4.00pm in the coffee lounge at the Heaton Moor United Church on the corner of Heaton Moor Road and Stanley Road.

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Architecture Bird Watching Book of the Month Bridge
Chess Crafts Current Affairs Drama
Family and Social History History Line Dancing Looking at Art
Modern Literature Music Appreciation Philosophy Cafe Photography
Play reading Science Sing Along Spanish Workshop
Ukulele Band Walking group Strollers- easy walks Walking Groups Middlers- 4-5 miles Wildlife & Gardening
More Group Pages
Architecture Bird Watching
Book of the Month Bridge
Chess Crafts
Current Affairs Drama
Family and Social History History
Line Dancing Looking at Art
Modern Literature Music Appreciation
Philosophy Cafe Photography
Play reading Science
Sing Along Spanish Workshop
Ukulele Band Walking group Strollers- easy walks
Walking Groups Middlers- 4-5 miles Wildlife & Gardening