Aylsham, Norfolk

Grow Your Own

We meet on the second Tuesday of each month from 10:00 - 12:00.

The Grow Your Own group is entering its third year this year. Previously we met in each other's houses, shared ideas and gardening resources, drank coffee, and ate biscuits. But this year, following the news that one of our members was being threatened with eviction from his allotment, we have changed our modus operandi.

Weather permitting, we now meet at the aforementioned allotment which we are converting to organic, wildlife friendly, no-dig vegetable and fruit gardening. By providing wide paths and using the no-dig techniques, we are hoping to make the plot as accessible as possible, even for those with serious physical disabilities. We always break for refreshments, during which time we swap ideas and resources as before.

When the weather is inclement, we meet at Purdy's Tea Room at Woodgate Nursery, eat toasted tea cakes and use our u3a membership cards to get 10% off in the adjoining nursery.

You are very welcome to join us, even if you have never grown your own before. All those who help on the allotment will get a share of our harvests, so you don't need an allotment or a garden to take part.

If you would like further information about this group, please contact the Convenor by clicking on the Blue Bird logo opposite.

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Table Tennis Technology
Ukulele and Guitar Walking - Longer Walks
Walking - Medium Walks Walking - Shorter Walks
Whist Wildlife
Wine club Yarn and Yarn