Aylsham, Norfolk

Monday Movies


The Monday Movie group is a small, sociable, group which meets at 10:00 a.m on the 3rd Monday of each month. Our maximum number is seven because we take turns to ‘host’ the group in our own homes. But there’s no pressure to do this. For example, one member doesn’t have a TV so viewing a DVD would be tricky!
The host usually chooses the film which means there’s a fascinating range of films to see. Everything from black and white ‘classics’ to science fiction to comedy to mystery etc etc. The viewing is followed by a general discussion.

The group currently has a vacancy, so if you are interested please contact the Groups Coordinator on the contact page.

If you would like further information about this group, please contact the Convenor by clicking on the Blue Bird logo opposite.

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More Group Pages
Art Aylsham Amblers
Board Games Book Club 2
Book Group 3 Book Group 4
Book Group with Lunch Bridge
Card games Craft
Creative Writing Cycling
Family History French Conversation
Friday Pétanque Garden Group
Golf Grow Your Own
Historical Buildings Home Dining
iPad Knitting and Crochet
Laughter club Matinee Crew
Monday Movies Movie Night
Photography Poetry
Scrabble Snooker
Social Change Through Time Social History
Solo Sunday Dining
Table Tennis Technology
Ukulele and Guitar Walking - Longer Walks
Walking - Medium Walks Walking - Shorter Walks
Whist Wildlife
Wine club Yarn and Yarn