The 'Solo' group is now listed as an interest group and has a convenor, please look out for more info shortly
Do you like going out but no one to go with? Then the Solo Group is for you.
If you want company on a trip or outing simply send an email out to the group and wait for a response. It could range from a same day trip such as, ‘it’s a sunny day anybody fancy a trip to Cromer?’ , a shopping trip at fairly short notice or an outing such as the theatre or coach trip organised several weeks or months in advance.
The group has started. An initial meeting was held where it was decided that as well as contacting each other by e-mail there would also be a monthly meet so that we could get to know each other a little better.
We meet on the first Friday afternoon of the month at 2.00pm, usually at the leader's house.
We have, however, had outings to the cinema and to see the snowdrops at Walsingham and a trip to the NEC to the Gardener’s World exhibition is being organised.
If you would like further information about this group, please contact the Convenor by clicking on the Blue Bird logo opposite.
Or you can enquire and/or sign up at the Aylsham and District u3a monthly meeting.