Uttoxeter & District

Accident or Property Claims

Accident or Property Claim whilst attending a u3a activity

Uttoxeter & District u3a has cover which indemnifies u3a’s and u3a members against all sums you could become legally liable to pay as a result of:
Accidental injury to or death of any person.
Accidental loss or damage to material property not belonging to you, which arises or is caused in connection with the ‘business’ of U3As.

To find all relevant information on what is covered and exclusions you will need to click on the U3A button which will take you to the Head Office website. To access the relevant pages you will need to register as a user on their website. Full details of how to register are given on the site.

In the unfortunate event of an Accident/Incident whilst attending a u3a activity, please click on the ACCIDENT/INCIDENT FORM, which must then be completed by the Group Leader, a Committee Member, or the Property Owner.