Witham & District (Essex)

Fingringhoe Wick - April 2024

Our April meeting took place at Fingringhoe Wick, where we enjoyed an extremely interesting and informative talk on Birdsong Identification by Liz Huxley.

The talk was followed by a guided walk, led by Liz, where we were able to put our new knowledge to the test. Fortunately we were able to rely heavily on Liz's expertise to 'fill in the gaps'.

During our visit we were lucky enough to hear quite a wide range of bird species, in some cases we were even able to catch sight of a number of them, enabling us to confirm the identification.

Although not everyone necessarily saw every species listed below, the following were heard by members of the group:

- Chiff Chaff
- Nightingale
- Robin
- Wren
- Blackcap (contact call, and song)
- Blackbird
- Bluetit
- Great tit
- Chaffinch
- Pheasant (Male)
- Dunnock
- Cetti`s Warbler
- Redshank
- Cuckoo

Bird species seen (by one or more members of the group):
- Swallow
- Tufted duck
- Mallard (Male)
- Coot
- Goldfinch
- Pied Wagtail
- Chiff Chaff
- Dunnock
- Moorhen
- Magpie
- Bluetit
- Robin
- Pheasant (Female)
- Blackcap
- Nightingale

Our thanks goes to Liz for such an enjoyable afternoon and also to Jane for her help in making all the arrangements.

Alison and I had decided to arrive early on the day and took the opportunity to take a short walk before our meeting started, the highlight of which was not just hearing the wonderful Nightingale song, but actually being able to see and photograph one.

A small number of photographs are attached, which also includes one taken in our garden of a Sparrowhawk that decided to take shelter from the strong winds recently.

It seemed quite content to remain there for almost 45 minutes, quietly observing, until 'dinner flew by', when it shot off in hot pursuit!

Copyright Notice:
Please note that the Copyright for each of the photographs displayed on this page and any/all sub-pages remains with the original photographer who is/was a member of the Witham & District (Essex) Birdwatching Group at the time of posting.

All rights reserved. For any more information please use the web site Contact facility.