
Singing for Fun

The many benefits to health and well-being of singing are well known. Singing for Fun will be starting on Tuesday19th September in a bright and spacious lounge at Gittisham Hill Park. Key words will be Fun, Achievable and Success. The group will welcome absolutely everyone, men, and women, who wish to have an opportunity to sing. Group Leader, Janet Young will use an aural approach, so there will be no requirement to read music. The idea is that starting with something very simple the basics can be enhanced so that the singers experience the thrill of producing beautiful music together. There will be two sessions each month, on the first and third Tuesdays, starting at 2.00pm, with refreshments at 2.45. Singing will take place seated, with standing for only short periods where possible.
There is parking at Gittisham Hill Park, but it would be helpful if there could be lift-sharing. Cars
will be parked at right angles to the drive and there is some additional parking available.

To contact the group leader or for more information please click on Contact

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