
Opera Appreciation

This is a small group, which meets once a month on Thursday evenings. We enjoy watching a variety of different operas on TV with hi-fi sound, mainly from DVD, in each other's homes.

In addition to the evening group, there is talk of an afternoon group starting up, so keep an eye out.

To contact the group leader click on the CONTACT button on the top of the page . Your enquiry will be forwarded to the correct group leader.

More Group Pages
Armchair Adventurers Book Group 1 (Book Lovers) Book Group(2) Bridge Rubber
Crochet Group Current affairs discussion. Devon Games Group
German Handbell Ringing History Italian Conversation
Knitting Lunch Club Music Appreciation Nature Appreciation
Opera Appreciation Philosophy Play Reading Poem Sharing
Reading for Pleasure Recorder Group Singing for Fun Strollers
Walking Walking 2 Wine Tasting for Fun Writing
Writing for Fun
More Group Pages
Armchair Adventurers Book Group 1 (Book Lovers)
Book Group(2) Bridge Rubber
Crochet Group Current affairs discussion.
Devon Games Group
German Handbell Ringing
History Italian Conversation
Knitting Lunch Club
Music Appreciation Nature Appreciation
Opera Appreciation Philosophy
Play Reading Poem Sharing
Reading for Pleasure Recorder Group
Singing for Fun Strollers
Walking Walking 2
Wine Tasting for Fun Writing
Writing for Fun