

How to Apply for Membership

In any organisation, there will always be formalities to complete but we try to keep these to a minimum. The terms and conditions of membership are shown below and, when you sign the application form, you are agreeing to abide by them.
Please complete the membership form which can be downloaded by clicking on the icons on the right hand side of this page. These should be returned to our Membership Secretary at the address shown on the form. Please note that you cannot apply online.

Terms and Conditions of Membership

All members must:
• Abide by the Aims and Principles of the u3a movement(see below).
• Always act in the best interests of the u3a and never do anything to bring it into disrepute.
• Abide by the terms and conditions of the constitution.
• Treat fellow members with respect and courtesy at all times.
• Comply with and support the decisions of the elected committee.
• Advise the committee of any change in your personal details.

Membership Fees

The membership fee for u3a Guernsey covers the period from 1st January to 31st December and is currently £15.This includes a Capitation Fee of £4.00 to our national organisation The Third Age Trust, which provides a wide range of services and benefits, including liability insurance cover.

The u3a Movement is non-religious and non-political and has three main principles:

The Third Age Principle

Membership of a u3a is open to all in their third age, which is defined not by a particular age but by a period in life in which full-time employment has ceased.
Members promote the values of lifelong learning and the positive attributes of belonging to a u3a.
Members should do all they can to ensure that people wanting to join a u3a can do so.

The Self-help Learning Principle

Members form interest groups covering as wide a range of topics and activities as they desire; by the members, for the members.
No qualifications are sought or offered. Learning is for its own sake with enjoyment being the prime motive, not qualifications or awards.
There is no distinction between the learners and the teachers; they are all u3a members.

The Mutual Aid Principle

Each u3a is a mutual aid organisation, operationally independent but a member of The Third Age Trust, which requires adherence to the guiding principles of the U3A movement.
No payments are made to members for services rendered to any u3a.
Each u3a is self-funded with membership subscriptions and costs kept as low as possible.
Outside financial assistance should only be sought if it does not imperil the integrity of the u3a movement.

Privacy Statement

Your personal details will be held on a secure database and will be used solely for the purpose of administration and the communication of U3A matters. They will never be supplied to an outside agency or party other than for you to receive the national u3a magazine (Third Age Matters) directly mailed to each member five times a year.

Third Age Matters (TAM) magazine
TAM is a magazine produced by the Trust for u3a Members across the UK. Should you no longer wish to receive TAM then please notify us by clicking on the following link - Procedure for TAM changes

Changes to Your Membership Details

Any changes to your details (especially your physical or email address) should be sent to the Membership Secretary, whose contact details are on the Committee page.