

Our outings often sell out very quickly. However it is sometimes possible to obtain further tickets — if we are quick enough!
In addition, occasionally members have to drop out from a trip, so it is always worthwhile submitting a booking form if you are interested. If we are fully booked, we will add you to a waiting list, and if possible we will try to add capacity for more members.

IMPORTANT: We have rationalised our processes and standardised on an APPLICATION FORM, which you can DOWNLOAD from this page. See opposite. The front page can be re-used for different Outings but you can add core information which you can save for re-use. The back page is common information which you should keep a copy of.

We will update this page as arrangements PROGRESS. Watch this space.

1. The Tate Britain. Leaving on FRIDAY. JUST ONE Ticket left. Contact OUTINGS TEAM IMMEDIATELY if interested.

2. Kiss Me Kate. Leaving on Thursday 25th July. ON SALE NOW.

3. Holkham Hall. Leaving on Thursday 12th September. ON SALE NOW.

4. National Space Centre, Leicester. Leaving on Saturday 12th October. ON SALE NOW.


Pat Jones 
Outings Coordinator
Tel: 01279-870870
Email: dunmowu3aoutings@btinternet.com