Whitchurch Shropshire

French Conversation

This group is intended for those who have some French and wish to use and improve it through conversation. The group meets twice a month at a member’s home having prepared a short piece (in French of course) on a subject suggested by the host for that meeting; for example, ‘The place where I was born’, ‘Where I went for my holiday’ or a piece of current news. This is prepared as a short presentation lasting three to five minutes or can be read out if preferred.

Having been warmed up by the topic, a relaxed and friendly conversation follows, lasting from one to two hours, during which no English is spoken and of course rewarded with tea or coffee at the end. If you’d like to come along for a taster session please contact Elaine Vine. The group meets on the 1st & 3rd Monday of the month at 2pm.

More Group Pages
Art Bridge Busy Fingers Canasta
Chess French Conversation Gardening Appreciation History
Music Appreciation Naturalists Open Minds Poetry
Spanish The Amblers Tunes on Chimes Ukulele
Walking and Lunch Club Wine Appreciation Group
More Group Pages
Art Bridge
Busy Fingers Canasta
Chess French Conversation
Gardening Appreciation History
Music Appreciation Naturalists
Open Minds Poetry
Spanish The Amblers
Tunes on Chimes Ukulele
Walking and Lunch Club Wine Appreciation Group