Whitchurch Shropshire


Whitchurch U3A - We are pleased to say that the weekly Monday morning meetings are continuing and look forward to seeing existing and meeting new members.


The University of the Third Age was founded in Paris in 1979 and has since become an international organisation. Each country has developed its own style, with an emphasis in the UK on participation by members rather than on formally organised courses. The UK's U3A was founded in 1982 and has been a major success. Today there are over 1000 U3A's and over 270,000 members. U3A neither requires nor awards any qualifications.


Like all U3As, it is a mutual self-help organisation, open to all. Our objective is to advance the education of, and provide educational interest for, people (usually aged over 50) who are no longer in full-time employment. We aim to achieve this through weekly meetings and, even more so, through members' involvement in our study and activity groups.

The annual subscription, currently £12 payable each September, covers affiliation fees to the national organisation, four 'U3A News' magazines posted to members, and local expenses such as the cost of speakers, general administration costs etc. It also includes membership of any group.


These usually take place each Monday at the Archibald Worthington Club (10.00 am to 12 noon) and are open to all members. They enable members to meet and find out what is happening. Most months an outside speaker is invited to talk on a topic of general interest (see the Events page for forthcoming speakers and topics.) At present, our membership is about 230 with around 50 of these attending the weekly meetings regularly.


New members are always welcome. Just come along to one of our Monday meetings, where our Membership Secretary will be in attendance and will help you with any information or enquiries about our existing groups or about the U3A in general. A prospective member may attend one weekly meeting and one group meeting, before deciding whether to join.