
Occasional Sessions

Occasionally we run groups with a short life span - even just one session - and we encourage members to suggest and run any instructive or supportive sessions that may benefit themselves and others members. For example, a couple of years ago we had a ‘health and well-being’ group, which may well make a return in the future. We also ran a short series of Welsh language familiarisation sessions, which we intend to resurrect. If you have an idea, please contact the committee, so we can give further guidance and support.

More Group Pages
Board Games Book Group Canasta Thursdays Canasta Tuesdays
Confidence and Wellbeing Cribbage Cryptic Crosswords Exploring Arts
French Conversation French Films Gardening History
Italian Conversation Mah Jong Natural History Needlework
Occasional Sessions Photography Poetry Workshop Quizzes
Social General Meeting Tai Chi Walking Writing For Pleasure
More Group Pages
Board Games Book Group
Canasta Thursdays Canasta Tuesdays
Confidence and Wellbeing Cribbage
Cryptic Crosswords Exploring Arts
French Conversation French Films
Gardening History
Italian Conversation Mah Jong
Natural History Needlework
Occasional Sessions Photography
Poetry Workshop Quizzes
Social General Meeting Tai Chi
Walking Writing For Pleasure