
The STEM Cell

The Science, Technology, Ethics and Morals group (the STEM Cell) sets out to study elements of Science, the Technology each element enables, and any Ethical and Moral issues that may arise from use of that science and technology. The emphasis is on the science and technology and any discussion of ethics/morals, though important, is secondary. Our study is guided by internal and external speakers and visits.

Subjects we've studied include: global warming, bio-ethics, energy supplies, automation and many others. We've made vists to: Lincoln University Agricultural Automation, Loughborough University STEM Labs, Lincoln Energy from Waste Project and several others.

The group meets at 10am on the third Monday of the month at the Manthorpe Church Hall.

If you are interested in joining this group please Contact the Groups Co-ordinator

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Badminton 2 Beginners and Improvers Guitar Book Group Bridge Improvers
Cakes Canasta 1 Canasta 2 (Daytime) Crafts
Current Affairs Cycling Detection in Crime Exploring Art
French - Discutons! Fun Jive Gardening Genealogy
Genealogy 2 Googling Guitar Group History of Science & Transport
Local History Mahjong and Rummikub More Crime Detection MOTO Members on their own
Music Appreciation New Age Kurling Page Turners Philosophers
Photography Play Reading Poetry Quiz Group
Recorders Scottish Dancing Singing Singing for Fun
Spanish Advanced Spanish for Beginners 2 Strollers Tenpin Bowling (Friday)
The Bookworms The STEM Cell Twentieth Century Poets Ukulele
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More Group Pages
Antiques-practical antiques Armchair Travel
Armchair Travel 2 Badminton
Badminton 2 Beginners and Improvers Guitar
Book Group Bridge Improvers
Cakes Canasta 1
Canasta 2 (Daytime) Crafts
Current Affairs Cycling
Detection in Crime Exploring Art
French - Discutons! Fun Jive
Gardening Genealogy
Genealogy 2 Googling
Guitar Group History of Science & Transport
Local History Mahjong and Rummikub
More Crime Detection MOTO Members on their own
Music Appreciation New Age Kurling
Page Turners Philosophers
Photography Play Reading
Poetry Quiz Group
Recorders Scottish Dancing
Singing Singing for Fun
Spanish Advanced Spanish for Beginners 2
Strollers Tenpin Bowling (Friday)
The Bookworms The STEM Cell
Twentieth Century Poets Ukulele
Wildlife Wine Study