
Group Leaders Information

Each Dunmow u3a Group has a named Group Leader who is a member and has volunteered to take a lead in organising and guiding the other group members. That means that the Group Leader should use their organisational and communication skills to ensure that the group runs smoothly and successfully. However, they are not expected to take responsibility for everything within the group. Most groups share out the different tasks which can be anything from updating the u3a website to making the tea, and listed below are some of the things that members will need to consider in running a group. Please be assured that the Group Leader has as much help and guidance from the Group Support and Groups Coordinator that he or she requires; you are not alone. Most importantly, remember that being a Group Leader can be very rewarding and enjoyable as well as a good way to meet new friends. More guidance, information and documentation can be found in the Links section.

Venue. This may be a hired hall, your home or a different place every week. Your Group Support can help you find a venue and explain the simple payment process in the case of a hired hall. Members’ subscriptions will need to be collected weekly, monthly or each term. You will be responsible for ensuring that any money collected from members is given to the Treasurer who will keep you informed about the financial status of your group.

Members of Dunmow u3a may try a specific group activity before joining it. A maximum of two free taster sessions are allowed before joining the group. Visitors who are not members of Dunmow u3a are welcome to attend one Group meeting in order to determine whether they would like to join our u3a and become members of that group. It is not permitted for individuals to enjoy u3a activities on a longer term basis without being a member. The insurance cover provided for us is for u3a members and therefore, should a non-member be allowed to attend u3a activities on a regular basis and be involved in an incident, our u3a might find itself without liability cover.

Dunmow u3a Website. This is a good way of keeping members informed about your group activities and, if you want more people to join the group, they will see here what it is all about. The Groups Web Administrator will create your web page and set you, or the person you designate, as the editor for your page. They, together with your Mentor, will be able to help with problems. Pages are edited using the Site Builder tool which, together with its documentation, is found under Links.

Beacon Administration. The Beacon site is a u3a-wide database that enables our u3a to manage members, groups and financial data. The Beacon Administrator will set you up with access to your group’s section of the database. There you will have a list that you must maintain, of all your members, who can also be contacted by an easy to use email tool. It is recommended that you use this, as it provides security for members’ addresses. The Beacon Login and Help Centre pages are also found under Links.

Attendance Records. Self-explanatory – you just download the form from ➤Documents For Group Operation and tick off who has attended every meeting. Also, note all money taken and subscriptions collected. You must keep this as the official record of your group as the Treasurer may request it from you each year.

Other Documentation. There is more, as we have to provide, as best we can, a safe environment for our members. Risk assessments are needed for each group and rest assured your Group Support will be helping you with these.

So, if you want to start a new group and would like to talk to someone, please contact the ➤Groups Coordinator. If you have problems with either the web site or Beacon, please contact the ➤Groups Web Administrator or the ➤Beacon Administrator.