Dronfield & District



  • The information on this page is only for renewing members.
  • If you are a previous member and want to rejoin the u3a please email the Membership Secretary who will tell you how you can re-new using your old membership number.
  • If you have never been a member, see the Join the u3a page.


  • Details of the 2024-2025 membership fees are available on the Membership Fees page.


  • Renew online if you want to pay by credit or debit card, or a PayPal account.
  • DO NOT renew online if your personal circumstances have changed (you need to change from a Joint to an Individual Membership Class or vice versa) or if you want to stop or start taking u3amatters (the national magazine of the u3a movement). Please email the Membership Secretary if either of these applies to you, otherwise you may be charged the wrong renewal rate.
  • When you renew please remember to tick the Gift Aid box on the online renewal form if you are a UK tax payer and you would like the u3a to claim Gift Aid on your membership fee. For joint memberships the person making the payment must be the person who pays tax. If you do not pay tax, or do not want the u3a to claim Gift Aid, make sure the box is not ticked.
  • After you have renewed you will receive an email with your new membership card(s) to print at home.
  • To renew online you will need a Members' Portal account. If you have already created one and know how to use the Members' Portal go straight to the Members Portal Login page.
  • If you haven't used the Portal before, haven't previously created a Portal account or need a reminder about how to use it, go to the About the Members Portal page.
  • There is more information on the Online Renewal FAQs page.


  • Use this option if you want to pay by cheque or cash.
  • Download, print and complete a Membership Renewal Form 2024-2025. If you are unable to download or print, you an collect a form from the Membership Desk at a monthly meeting or by contacting the Membership Secretary - see the details below.
  • Please include an explanatory note with your renewal form if your personal circumstances have changed and you need to change your membership class from Joint to Individual or vice versa, or if your own or your emergency contact details have changed.
  • If you are renewing a Joint membership you only need to use one form.
  • Please remember to tick the Gift Aid box on the renewal form if you are a UK tax payer and you would like the u3a to claim Gift Aid on your membership fee. For joint memberships the person making the payment must be the person who pays tax. If you do not pay tax, or do not want the u3a to claim Gift Aid, make sure the box is not ticked.
  • Make cheques payable to Dronfield and District U3A.
  • Bring your signed form and payment to one of the u3a's monthly meetings. See the Members page for the dates and venues of the meetings. Or post them to Dronfield and District U3A, c/o The Peel Centre, High Street, Dronfield, S18 1PX. Do not send cash by post.

Any Questions?
If you have any questions about renewals, please email the Membership Secretary or telephone 01246 900201.