
Nibs Hanging 31-07-17

Field Trip to Nibs Hanging & Walcombe

Led by Jean & Doug

We started at the junction of Beryl Lane and Little Entry, where we saw Carboniferous Limestone dipping South and forming the E-W trending Pen Hill anticline. A limestone wall had been built on top (Fig. 1). Then we walked a short way down the A39 to view the angular unconformity (Fig. 2) between the Carboniferous Limestone and overlying Triassic Dolomitic Conglomerate.

The track leading up to Nibs Hanging exposes a continuous section (Fig. 3), initially between through the red Mercia Mudstone (indicative of a sub aerial, arid, desert environment) into a thin greenish section of mud rock indicating the transition into a marine environment.

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Fig. 1Fig.2Fig. 3

Then on to Nibs Hanging itself where the marine limestones of the Lias are exposed (Fig. 4). Returning to the A39, we took the footpath across to Walcombe, where the Dolmitic conglomerate is exposed (and used as gateposts - Fig. 5), representing a Triassic arid valley (wadi) infill, finishing in the beautiful Combe Gardens.

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Fig. 4Fig.5

Further information

Blue liasWikipedia
Carboniferous limestoneWikipedia
Dolomitic conglomerateBGS
Mercia mudstoneWikipedia