Washington Village

"A Man Called Ove" by Fredrik Backman

GROUP MEETING 17th August 2023
“A Man Called OVE” by Fredrik Backman
(led by George Dickey).
(this is general report so no details, that could act as spoilers for others wanting to read the book, are given)
BOOK SCORE (3.62) out of Five (5)~Range (1 ~ 4.5) 8 scoring
“Book :- A Man Called OVE by Fredrik Backman Reviewed 17th August 2023
About the Author :- Born in Sweden (where he still lives with his wife and two children) in 1981 he was working for two newspapers when his first novel “A Man Called Ove” was first published. It became, firstly, a best selling novel and then a hit Swedish film. Another film, based on the book,called “A MAN CALLED OTTO”, was released and became an immediate hit Worldwide. This version starred Tom Hanks. He has written several other books which have been translated into English.
Sound bites ~ Ove and Sonia ~ Night and Day ~ Margret Rowan
Constant Battles with Authority ~ George Dickey
Poignant and Funny ~ Diana Clark
Best Quote ~ “Those having Honest intentions have nothing to fear from the truth” ~ Margret Rowan
Discussion :- It was almost impossible to get a consensus among the five members in the discussion group. However, the majority liked the book but probably would not read more by the same author.
The General feeling was that this was a story of a highly functioning person who may or may not have been on the Autism Spectrum.
One thought it was a love story but another thought it was tedious and repetitive.
Most agreed each chapter is a beautiful written gem. The book is one of those rare treats you won't want to end but know that it must.
Skillfully written, humorous in parts, it may make you laugh but, maybe, also cry when it ends.
We had conflicting views in the group so, therefore, suggest you read it and decide for yourself.
Washington Village U3A Reading Group three.