Washington Village


I, and most of Reading Group 3, are new to U3A.
Since there were no spaces in the other two Reading groups it was necessary to start a new group.
The group is now up and running and we have established a model to go forward with...

We'll meet on the third Thursday each month at 1:30 pm in the library.

We're up to about nine or ten members already ~ Two of them are from associated U3A's.
We've got our very own "Book Place markers"
We'll have coffee and refreshments (Coffee supplied by the library staff at £1.00 : Biscuits supplied by members in turn).
We'll start the meetings with an informal chat and mins. of the last meeting.
We'll discuss any new ideas we might have come up with during the month and, if necessary,
We'll review or amend the reading list for the next few months ...
We've set up a WhatsApp group to facilitate a bit of chit-chat on the new thoughts.
Then we'll get down to discussing our BOOK OF THE MONTH.
We'll give the book a "Score" out of 5 and set up a league table for all the books we read.
We'll create a short summary of what we think about the book and
We'll put the notes in a file on our group page on the Washington Village U3A website.

Haven't we been busy ~ and there are still a few spaces if you want to join us...

Come on ~ You'll like it ...

Reading Group 3 Washington Village U3A. 
Group Leader
July 23