Roding Valley

Acceptance Speech for a BAFTA

Acceptance Speech for receiving a BAFTA for role in a horror movie

It is a great honour to receive this award and especially more so for the fact that throughout the film I was encased in a prosthetic suit. My grateful thanks to the makeup department for their sterling work every morning and at the end of every day. It wasn’t hard to act aggressively and even more so on the days when, unintentionally I am sure, little irritants found their way into the costumes creases. Thanks to you chaps it was of great assistance to my performances, ferocity and general threatening demeanour. I still have the remnants of the rash it caused but hopefully my usual flair with the ladies will return soon.

Anyway enough of the nuts and bolts, so to speak and thanks must also go to Manny my agent for persevering with Stephen to secure the role. They were all sure that someone with my looks wouldn’t be able to create sufficient horror and mayhem.

But look Mum I proved them wrong, you always said I was a horrid child and it’s paid off at last.

Karen. 2023