Roding Valley

The Kashmir Shawl by Rosie Thomas

In Brief
In 1938, young bride Nerys Watkins accompanies her missionary husband on a posting to India. Up in Srinagar, the British live on beautiful wooden houseboats and dance and gossip as if there is no war. But when the men are sent away to fight Nerys is caught up in a dangerous friendship.

Years later, when Mair Ellis, Nerys's granddaughter, clears out her father’s house, she finds an antique shawl with a lock of child’s hair wrapped up in its folds. Tracing her grandparents’ roots back to Kashmir, Mair uncovers a story of great love and great sacrifice.

1. Rating 8 out of 10
2. Recommended? The majority of group members said they would recommend the book. The tale of the Kashmir Shawl is intriguing and not what the reader might have anticipated.
3. Audience It was felt that the book would suit all ages, but was more likely to appeal to a female audience.
4. Type of Read It was a long book at just over 500 pages, but the language was easy to read. The book could be read at several levels - as a simple story or an examination of life in India around the time of WW2.
5. Quality of Author Most of the members felt the book was well written. Some felt that in places the quality of the descriptions was outstanding.