

Members of Perth u3a can choose between more than 60 interest groups, and each group has a webpage. There are two ways of looking for groups: use the full list on the Groups list page or select one of the pages below to see different categories of groups.

Each group webpage has a pigeon icon you can click to send a message to the leader, for example, to ask to join the group. Before joining any group, you should be a member of Perth u3a (see Join us).

The Perth u3a session begins in late August and, apart from a break over Christmas and New Year, continues until late April or early May. Group meetings generally take place at four weekly intervals, though some groups meet fortnightly and some every week. Some, like the walking groups, continue to meet over the summer months. To find out when any group meets, use Group meeting dates 2023-24. For information about venues, click when and where groups meet, then click the group name.

If more members want to join a group than can be accommodated, a waiting list is created and an additional group may be formed. If you have a suggestion for a new interest group, or want your name to be added to a waiting list, contact the Groups Coordinator using the pigeon icon.