
Topics from Last Year - 2021-2022

What did the Philosophy Group Look at in the 2021-2022?
‘How Democracies Die’ by Steven Levitsky & Daniel Ziblatt What are the common denominators which bring about the decline or end of democracies?

Plato’s Symposium it give us some insight into the Theory of Forms in the discussion of the Form of Beauty, but it also gives us a number of varying perspectives on love. Ultimately, he concludes, the philosopher's search for wisdom is the most valuable of all pursuits.

Prisoners of Geography: Ten Maps That Tell You Everything You Need To Know About Global Politics Book by Tim Marshall

The Right to be forgotten- ? When does the right to be forgotten apply? In Article 17, the GDPR outlines the specific circumstances under which the right to be forgotten applies. However, an organization’s right to process someone’s data might override their right to be forgotten??

You can’t think that! Taboos - What are they? Why do they exist? Are they a good thing?
War: How Conflict Shaped Us by Margaret MacMillan

‘The Human Condition’ by Hannah Arendt - Arendt argues that in the modern era, we have reversed the traditional hierarchy between thinking and doing. What is most important to us these days is action rather than contemplation. But is Arendt right about this? Or do we still value contemplation more highly?

Chinese Philosophy

- Daoism
- Buddhism
- Confucianism