
Reading for Pleasure 1

Reading Group 1 meets once a month in members’ homes on a Tuesday afternoon. We use the library service. It provides a list of recently published books that have received good reviews from respected newspapers and magazines. Our library can usually secure about 10 copies of any listed book. Some copies are hardback and a few are in large print. There is also an option on some books for a version that suits the visually impaired. The annual cost for this service is about £26 per group, and we all chip in £2/3 per head. We also usually have a cup of tea or coffee, and catch up on general news, as well as discuss the book.

More Group Pages
Art Appreciation Bus Pass Group Church and Pub Climate Change
Creative Writing Current Affairs Exploring London Family History
Gardening German Conversation History Hot Issue Seminars (HIS)
Latin Local History Mah Jong Needlecraft 1
Needlecraft 2 Play reading Poetry Reading for Pleasure 1
Reading for Pleasure 2 Reading for Pleasure 3 Science & Technology Scrabble
Singing for Pleasure Spanish Conversation Strollers - Saturday Strollers - Weekday
Walking Group
More Group Pages
Art Appreciation Bus Pass Group
Church and Pub Climate Change
Creative Writing Current Affairs
Exploring London Family History
Gardening German Conversation
History Hot Issue Seminars (HIS)
Latin Local History
Mah Jong Needlecraft 1
Needlecraft 2 Play reading
Poetry Reading for Pleasure 1
Reading for Pleasure 2 Reading for Pleasure 3
Science & Technology Scrabble
Singing for Pleasure Spanish Conversation
Strollers - Saturday Strollers - Weekday
Walking Group