
Art Group History

Group History
The art group started a painting Group in 1992. Approximately 8 of us met once a fortnight, drank coffee and chatted and settled down to draw or paint - either work in hand or whatever "still life" was set up for us. The group kept going until in 2004 until the group leader moved away.

About 6 of the group decided to carry on. There are now eighteen of us and between eight and eleven gather most Tuesdays.

Every second or third week we have an outing, sometimes sketching outdoors, weather permitting, or indoors at the Museum or other suitable venues. At other times we visit the Edinburgh Galleries or go further afield.

During the cold months one member does some research each month about an artist of his or her choice and presents a short talk. The other members of the group also do some reading to allow us to have a reasonable discussion after the talk. Oddly enough, although approaching this project with some trepidation, each member who has given a talk has enjoyed the experience. We have an extra afternoon or evening meeting every second or third month to watch videos or DVDs about the artists we have been studying.