

This page is for information about projects and charities that some members of the DU3A are presently supporting and have also supported in the past.

● Little Dresses for Africa

● School, Soso, Fiji

● The Pins and Needles group knitted jumpers for young people in Africa. The jumpers were distributed by a local church. We have also made Trauma Teddys for the police and fire brigade.

We have, since then, made hats mittens and balaclavas for the the Seaman's Mission, in Sheffield. These have all been sent off to the chaplain. These were, however, mainly made in sombre colours, so we then started to sew and knit 5-inch hearts, in pairs, for the Hospice at Rotherham. This is still ongoing. These are given one to the patient, and one to relatives to keep them in touch and as a loving remembrance. I am investigating other things that we as a group can do for other charities.
Anne Windle

March 2024
We have also made lap blankets and I have delivered them to long-stay ward at Doncaster infirmary this year as well.
But we have now stopped doing the seaman's things and blankets for a while.
Anne Windle

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