Arun West

Current Affairs

What does the group do? The meetings cover local, national and international issues which will allow members to both explore each other’s ideas and views as well as try to gain a greater understanding about what lies behind matters.

Members can select the topics that they feel are worthy of discussion. An informal and relaxed atmosphere is encouraged with numbers are limited in order to allow sufficient time for individuals to contribute. The meeting is chaired in order to facilitate the discussion and every effort is made to listen to, appreciate and understand differing views.

Group Leader Brenda

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month, 2:15pm - 4.15pm.

Venue: The group meets in private homes, although there is no rule for people having to host.

Cost: Nominal amount for light refreshments.

For more information use this link to email Brenda - Current Affairs

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Canasta Cinema Group
Craft for Charity Cribbage
Current Affairs Friday Book Group
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International Films Keep Fit
Local History Mah Jong
Meet and Eat Petanque
Plants and Gardens Pool
Scrabble Thursday Readers
Vol 3 Reading Group Wine Tasting
Writing for Fun