Arun West

Plants and Gardens

What do we do?

We meet once a month from February to October for a visit to a garden - usually NGS and usually a private visit just for us.
The owners are usually on hand to show us around and chat with us. There is always lovely home made cake!

We try to meet during the winter to look at photographs of our own gardens and also those we visited. Cake is also involved plus plants and seed swapping.

You can read about our 2019 visits by clicking the files on the right and view the pictures by clicking the collage on the right.

Visits are all prebooked. You cannot just turn up! See notes IMPORTANT below and contact the Leader.

Group Leader: Masha White
Meetings: 3rd Wednesday of the month usually.

Venue: The venues for the year are arranged in advance and members pay me in advance either online or with cash. No cheques.
We all make our own way and meet at the venue. We try to car share as much as possible for the sake of the environment.

Costs: Gardens entrance fee plus refreshments paid in advance.

IMPORTANT You must sign up as a member of the Plants and Gardens group in order to receive the details of the planned visits so that you can book and pay for those you wish to visit.
The visits are not usually advertised in the Bulletin as we usually meet the maximum number allowed for each garden.

For more information use this link to contact Masha White

Also click on Arun West Plants and Gardens group on the Links on the right to join our private Facebook group.

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