
Join online

Thanks for deciding to join Wymondham u3a. By proceeding to the application page link below, you will be giving consent for Wymondham u3a to communicate with you by email, post, or telephone and use your data for the following legitimate purposes:

To record your membership, renewals etc.
To provide you with activities including holidays, trips, and events.
For administration and planning.
To record your membership to groups and communicating group activities.
To communicate with you.
To monitor, develop and improve our services.
To inform you of external events and activities.
To provide you with Third Age Trust magazines.
Internally to manage Wymondham u3a.
Externally for products and services such as direct mailing list for the Trust magazines.
Internally and externally to provide holidays, trips, and other events.
Externally if we have a statutory obligation to disclose it and we will advise you of this.

You can read the full Privacy Notice and GDPR and Data Protection Policy by clicking the links.

All members agree to the following principles:
Abide by the principles of the u3a movement.

Always act in the best interests of the u3a and never bring the u3a into disrepute.

Abide by the terms and conditions of the Constitution and Codes of Practice as published in the Governance pages of our website: https//u3asites.org.uk/.

Treat fellow members with respect and courtesy at all times.

Comply with, and support the decisions of the elected Committee.

Advise the Committee of any changes in your personal details.

Health declaration
You must consider that we each have a duty of care to ourselves, each other, and members of the public with whom we may come into contact. N.B. This statement has been prepared to comply with current Health and Safety procedures and will so far as practicable ensure that any activities undertaken by our members are safe. The group leader will prepare a risk assessment and measures will be put in place for any identified risks.

I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to consider my own health and fitness regarding taking part in any u3a activity, and I will only attend u3a activities that I have assessed as capable and fit enough to do.

I will immediately notify and discuss with the Group Leader in question my fitness to undertake such an activity, or should I have any health problems/concerns, or underlying medical conditions which may affect my, or other members safe participation in any group activity.

I will read the risk assessment for each activity that I partake in with regards to my fitness to undertake such activity.

I acknowledge that I may be refused acceptance on any further such activities.

I acknowledge that I am personally responsible for assessing any risks posed whilst travelling to and from, and on, any u3a activity.

I confirm that I will notify the Membership Secretary od any changes in my personal health information immediately.

By proceeding to the application page link below you will be agreeing to the terms and conditions outlined above.

If you accept these terms, please go to the Joining form to proceed.