

We in the photography group are people who like taking photographs - and at least some of us would even like to improve what we are doing. I don't think any of us would claim to possess any great ability in this area ... ... ... but, maybe some day ... ...

At our monthly meetings we see each others' work, learn something: sometimes help each other with questions and problems about photography, storing photographs on computers etc.

We also make monthly visits to places likely to present photographic opportunities. We do establish a programme for these, a year at a time; we all have a say in where we go, on what day of the week, and at what times: days and times do vary, depending on where we go. We normally use shared cars to reach our places of interest, but on a few occasions we use public transport. If the venue has a café, we usually end up there for a cuppa and a chat ... but not everywhere we go has such facilities. We like the social side of things as well. We show a selection of our photographs at the following meeting.

Topics are chosen at the meetings; we then take photographs on those topics, to be shown at the next meeting. We also have an "Anything Goes" section.

Our meetings and visits take place throughout the year: we do not follow the terms which the general u3a meetings use: however, December is different; we do not have a normal meeting, nor a visit; but we do have a Christmas dinner.

If anyone likes taking photographs, but is afraid that their standard is not particularly high, there's no need to worry; you'll be about the same as the rest of us! Why not give us a try?

During the Covid-19 lockdown, we continued to function. Every week we had a topic, and these were submitted on a weekly or fortnightly basis. The photographs were distributed to group members fortnightly.

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More Group Pages
Art Group Book Group
Bookwise Bridge Group
Family History French Conversation
History Mahjong
Missing Years Opera Appreciation
Photography Play Reading
Scrabble Shared interest
Stitch and Knit T.O.M
Walking Group Walking Group 2; shorter walks