Sarratt & District

French Conversation 2

The secong group to be formed for members who wish to improve their conversational French inorder to be able to converse in the language when visiting French speaking countries.

The group meets fortnightly on a Wednesday between 9.30am and 12noon at a members home. Each meeting varies in contents with emphasis on French Course books and CD's.

If interested to know more about the group, contact Tony Gower 01923 283984

More Group Pages
Art Bird watching Book 2 Book Group
Bridge Craft Current Affairs Dinghy Sailing
Engineering Heritage Exploring London (2) Exploring London Group French Conversation
French Conversation 2 Golf Italian Jaunter (Days Out)
Maritime History Members on their Own Music Rambling (about 4 miles)
Sequence Dancing Singing for Fun Stamps Table Tennis
Walking (6-8 Miles) Wine Appreciation 2/Clive Wine Appreciation/Jeff
More Group Pages
Art Bird watching
Book 2 Book Group
Bridge Craft
Current Affairs Dinghy Sailing
Engineering Heritage Exploring London (2)
Exploring London Group French Conversation
French Conversation 2 Golf
Italian Jaunter (Days Out)
Maritime History Members on their Own
Music Rambling (about 4 miles)
Sequence Dancing Singing for Fun
Stamps Table Tennis
Walking (6-8 Miles) Wine Appreciation 2/Clive
Wine Appreciation/Jeff