North West Region

Topic 10

Bury U3A Remembers

Monday October 27th was the start of the Royal British Legion’s 2014 poppy appeal, leading up to Remembrance Sunday on 9th November. I am pleased to say that we played our part, Josette Carter, Sue Hilton and myself covered three sessions during this period manning one of the stands in the Millgate Shopping Centre selling poppies and other appropriate tokens.

I think we all found it a worthwhile heart-warming experience, marvelling at the generosity of the public in Bury and the passion of many of the members of the public for this cause.

On Sunday 9th of November David and Jenny Johnson and myself, medals polished, were proud to represent Bury U3A for the first time in the Civic Parade from the Town Hall to Bury Parish Church. David , our honorary president, laid our wreath of poppies. We wrote on the message card “In memory of all who have lost their lives in war and conflict from all the members of Bury U3A” The U3A logo was central to the poppy wreath.

I hope we are in a position to be able to offer support for this occasion next year.
