North West Region

Topic 3

Warrington U3A : Driving with Confidence

Driving with confidence
While in contact with several of our outdoor groups, I had begun to notice a marked reluctance by some to use motorways. When I queried this I found that many had, for many years, left the driving to others, and on loosing a partner, found they had lost confidence, restricting their driving to local, familiar journeys. I decided to do something about this, so contacted our local branch of the Institute of Advanced Motorists, who had tutored me in the past. Mike Lyne (a Trustee and Non-Executive Director of the IAM) responded immediately and positively, and together we put together a ‘Driving with Confidence’ course. The following is the reaction of Val Houghton, the first pupil to go the distance –

‘’Many thanks for organising the ‘Driving with Confidence’ course. The talk, demo drive, satnav demo, and the four lessons have been a huge help to me. I know I still have a lot to learn but I am now able to drive on the motorway with confidence borne of knowing what to do, and realising that I can, if I put into practise what I have learned.

Am I glad I did it? More than I can say. It's up there with one of the best things I've ever done. I've been out on the motorways a few times since and feel so much better. I wasn't alone but still talked myself through it - 'Give it some welly, keep your speed up, look ahead, anticipate other road users, read the signs’ and so on.

I was on the verge of giving up motorway driving and had considered lessons but knew in my heart I wouldn't even have the confidence for that.

Then, Warrington U3A announced a course. Still very nervous, I signed up for the introductory talk, still unsure as to whether I really would have the confidence to actually drive on the motorway with someone watching my driving and telling me where I was going wrong and what I should be doing. The experience never once felt like that!

After the demo drive I'd decided 'Yes' I could!’ The instructor had such a relaxed, confident and friendly manner as he talked me through the driving skills he was using on the motorway.

My confidence grew from the first lesson. There was plenty of praise and encouragement, along with instructions, which were always given in a relaxed, friendly and unhurried manner. It helped, too, to have time to say what I'd found difficult during each lesson and have it accepted and acted upon.

I realise that I had been thinking I wasn't safe to drive on the motorway. Now I'm enjoying it. I know I still need to improve, but I now have the tools to do so, thanks to the wonderful course I've just completed!

Kind regards, and thank you to WU3A and the IAM. Val Houghton’’

This is why we do it! A response like that makes it all worth while.

Ken Cockburn, Chairman, Warrington U3A