North West Region

Topic 2

Maundy money given to Burnley U3A member.

Burnley maundy
Two members of Burnley & District U3A, Ann Clark and Susan Hughes, attended The Royal Maundy Service in Blackburn Cathedral on Thursday, 17th April this year.

Ann was one of the 176 Recipients to receive the Maundy Gifts from Her Majesty The Queen. One purse contains coinage to the value of 88p representing The Sovereign’s age, and the other contains newly minted coins. Recipients are selected for long serving commitment to their Church and to their Community.

Susan had been responsible for researching and collating names of Recipients throughout the Diocesan Deaneries. The Royal Maundy Service is an important event in the Church calendar and, amongst the ladies and gentlemen of pensionable age receiving the Gifts on Maundy Thursday, were several from other Christian Denominations.

The Queen, Duke of Edinburgh and all the principal participants carried nosegays - the origin of these was to fend off ‘noxious odours’ in earlier centuries. The Service is a blend of religion, symbolism, ceremony, pageantry, music and colour. The Lord High Almoner, the Rt. Rev. Bishop of Worcester, accompanied The Queen as she handed the purses to the Recipients; the Yeoman of the Guard were in attendance; the Wandsmen and Children of the Royal Almonry processed, and the boys of the Chapel Royal choir sang with the Cathedral choirs.

Susan Hughes, May 2014