North West Region

About Twitter

This article is from one written by web developer and game program writer Daniel Nations
You can check out Daniel's Tweets by putting '@DanielNations' into any search engine.

People who've never used Twitter often want the site explained to them. They often say, "I just don't understand it." Even when someone tells them the basics of how Twitter operates, they ask, "Why would anyone use Twitter?" It's actually a pretty good question. With this overview, here's a crash course on Twitter and all of its functionalities.

Twitter is a Miniature Blog
Micro-blogging is defined as a quick update usually containing a very limited number of characters. It is a popular feature of social networks like Facebook, where you can update your status, but it has become best known because of Twitter.

How should you use Twitter?
It's a great place for keeping people informed on what you are up to without the need to spend a lot of time crafting an entire post on the subject. You just say what's up and leave it at that.

Twitter is Social Messaging
Put simply, Twitter is social messaging. With the ability to follow people and have followers and interact with Twitter on your mobile phone, Twitter has become the perfect social messaging tool. Whether you are out on the town and want to coordinate with a group of people about which hot spot to hit next or keep people informed of developments at a company-sponsored event, Twitter is a great tool for quickly communicating a message to a group.

See the Get started with Twitter guide to learn more and make your account.