
Groups Liaison Service

Service News

We are always pleased to hear from members or group leaders who have questions, comments or suggestions about interest groups.

We are:
Hilary -
Gina -

Leaders and Members please note we have recently been reminded by the bank that our account name is U3A Luton and NOT Luton U3A! All cheques and any publicity needs to be in accordance with this please. I have hopefully changed all references on the website but I do know that the front page straw hat graphics does not conform! I will try to rectify this when I can! thank you for your diligence!


If you feel you would like to get more involved in your U3A Luton, there are tasks you can volunteer to help with. Please do come forward. It doesn't matter how much time you have, a small or large amount of time is very welcomed and rewarding. If you speak to Hilary or Gina we can point you in the right direction

Monthly Information Boards

If you have any information about your group and you wish to advertise on the monthly meeting notice boards, please email your details to Hilary or Gina who will be happy to do this for you. Alternatively, see us at the GLS table on a monthly meeting day.

Italian Group

We are still looking for a U3A member to lead this group. We have 5 people who would like to join. If you feel you would like to help this group please contact Hilary or Gina.

Is your group seeking new members?

We can post details on the notice board and in the newsletter for you. Talk with Hilary or Gina.

Tell us more about your group

We would like to include short articles in future 'In Touch' newsletters to give a bigger picture of what goes on in our interest groups. You are invited to submit articles of no more than 250 words on your group to the Editor Chris at

A table at the monthly meetings

If you would like to promote your group at the monthly meetings we can provide you with a table to set up your information. Please let Hilary or Gina know if you would like to do this.

Illness and Bereavement Cards

Did you know that we have a person who will send out cards to any member of U3A who is ill or bereaved? If you know of any member who is in this position, please email;

Spring 2022 revised Study and Activity Brochure

Thank you to all group leaders who have worked with Gina on updating this brochure. Copies will be sent to all new members to help them choose groups they are interested in. It can be provided to existing members on request but can also be viewed at the GLS table at the monthly meetings or online via our u3a website.

Many groups are looking for new members so if you are thinking about trying out new subjects please give these consideration. Details will be on the monthly meeting boards and the website. (