(The membership fee for 2024 has now been reduced to £8.00.)
The quickest and easiest way to renew your membership is via the MEMBERS LOGIN using a credit/debit card or PayPal account. You will need to create a Membership Account first. If you're unsure how to do this you may find our guide How to create a Membership Account useful. Please tick the GIFT AID option if you are a UK tax payer. You will still only pay £8.00, but the government will give us an additional £2.00 (The 25% tax you paid on your membership fee). You can also get personalised information about our groups, see a personalised calendar of meetings, see what information we hold about you and change it if its wrong and you can also email yourself a replacement membership card.
To renew by post you'll need to download the Existing Members Renewal Form, print it out, fill it in and post it to our Membership Secretary along with your cheque and a stamped self-addressed envelope so that we can post your membership card back to you.
Our Beacon 'Power Users' (Group Leaders, The Groups Coordinator, Social Committee Members, Committee Members, The Membership Secretary, The Treasurer, The Newsletter Editors and The Beacon System Administrator.) can use the u3a Beacon Login to help them with their roles. Beacon training will be given to any member who takes on one of these roles.
Thinking of starting a new group?
We have over 550 members and are recruiting more all the time. We are sure we have many members with interests that could be shared.
How your group is run is up to you, when you run a group you decide:
• You do not need to have experience of hosting an interest group or even of the subject, everybody can learn together.
• You decide how often to meet and where:- at home, pub, meeting room, library, sports centre, outdoors, river, garden, track, course, stately home.
• Going on holiday, hospital or other commitment - appoint a deputy or ask other group members to run the meeting when you are away.
Please let me know if you are interested in starting a new group. We can have a discussion without commitment and we will give you support to start a group and help you to gain new members. This includes Beacon training to help you run your group more easily.
Ray Maclean
Groups Co-ordinator#