General Links | ||
Application Form | An Application form for non-members to to download, print out, fill in and post to the Membership Secretary along with a cheque and self addressed envelope in order to join Gravesend, Northfleet & District u3a in 2024. | |
Age UK | OAP help site | |
ARRIVA BUSES | Bus timetable site | |
Free Education Courses and Information | Education information site | |
International Ass of the Third Age | I.A.U.T.A brings together the universities of the third age from all continents | |
Kent U3A Website | County and Region U3A events | |
Mature Times | Lots of information for the over 50's | |
World U3A | This site gives you access to a News Sheet that gathers news items from U3A groups from around the world. | |
Welcome | ||
Awareness & Recruitment Video 2024 | A 3:40 promotional video about Gravesend, Northfleet & District u3a for 2024. | |
Gift Aid | Information from HMRC regarding 'Gift Aid' (Tax relief when you donate to a charity.) | |
JOIN ONLINE | A link that allows non-members to join online using a credit card, debit card or a Paypal account. You do not need to have a Paypal account and you don't need to create one, Paypal can just be used to make online payments using a credit or debit card. | |
Groups | ||
Photography 2's picture gallery | ||
PUBLIC CALENDAR OF MEETINGS | A publicly visible calendar of meetings based on the schedule of meetings put into Beacon by the Group Leader or Meeting Organiser. | |
PUBLIC GROUPS INFORMATION | A publicly visible list of Groups based on the information put into Beacon by the Group Leader. | |
Our Social Events | ||
Lions - Comedy Night & Supper | Northfleet & Ebbsfleet Lions Club Comedy Variety Night & Supper on Sunday October 6th at Istead Rise Community Centre. 18:45 for a 19:30 start. | |
Murder Mystery Evening | A murder mystery evening at The Three Daws on Wednesday September 28th 2024, which include dinner. | |
Online Learning Events - Book now! | u3a members can access a wide range of free online talks, workshops, and courses through their membership. Most sessions are led by fellow members, sharing their expertise, with additional talks from notable speakers and organizations. | |
Newsletters | ||
2024-04 Apr/May GN&D u3a Newsletter | Gravesend, Northfleet & District u3a's newsletter for April / May 2024. | |
2024-05 May/Jun GN&D u3a Newsletter | Gravesend, Northfleet & District u3a's newsletter for May / June 2024. | |
2024-06 Jun/Jul GN&D u3a Newsletter | Gravesend, Northfleet & District u3a's newsletter for June / July 2024. | |
2024-07 GN&D u3a Mid-July Newsletter | Gravesend, Northfleet & District u3a's mid-month newsletter for July 2024. | |
2024-07 Jul/Aug GN&D u3a Newsletter | Gravesend, Northfleet & District u3a's newsletter for July / August 2024. | |
2024-08 Aug/Sept GN&D u3a Newsletter | Gravesend, Northfleet & District u3a's newsletter for August / September 2024. | |
2024-08 GN&D u3a Mid-August Newsletter | Gravesend, Northfleet & District u3a's mid-month newsletter for August 2024. | |
2024-09 Sept/Oct GN&D u3a Newsletter | Gravesend, Northfleet & District u3a's newsletter for September / October 2024. | |
2024-04:April '24 u3a Friends Newsletter | April 2024's u3a Friends Newsletter. | |
2024-05:May '24 u3a Friends Newsletter | May 2024's u3a Friends Newsletter. | |
2024-06:June '24 u3a Friends Newsletter | June 2024's u3a Friends Newsletter. | |
2024-07:July '24 u3a Friends Newsletter | July 2024's u3a Friends Newsletter. | |
2024-08:Aug '24 u3a Friends Newsletter | August 2024's u3a Friends Newsletter. | |
2024-09:Sep '24 u3a Friends Newsletter | September 2024's u3a Friends Newsletter. | |
Members | ||
Existing Members Renewal Form | A form for existing members of GN&D u3a to download, print out, fill in and post to the Membership Secretary along with a cheque and self addressed envelope in order to renew their membership for 2024. | |
How to create a Membership Account | A step by step guide to creating and using a Membership Account. | |
MEMBERS LOGIN | Existing GN&D u3a members can login here to [1] Renew their membership (Only available in November, December & January), [2] Get information about our groups, [3] Look at a calendar of events and meetings and [4] View and change the information that is held about them. | |
u3a Beacon Login | GN&D u3a's Beacon system login for 'Power Users'. (i.e. Group Leaders, The Groups Coordinator, Social Committee Members, Committee Members, The Membership Secretary, The Treasurer and The Beacon System Administrator.) |