
Gift Aid

Gift Aiding your donations/subscriptions is entirely optional but if they are not already Gift Aided and you are eligible, we very much encourage you to do this. The Gift Aid scheme means that any donations/subscriptions that you make to Elmbridge U3A will be worth 25% more to us; at no cost to you. Higher and additional rate tax payers can also claim back further tax by including Gift Aid payments on their tax return.
To comply for GA eligibility, you must confirm that you agree with the following statements:
• I want to Gift Aid this and future donations/subscriptions to Elmbridge U3A until further notice
• I want to Gift Aid any donations/subscriptions made in the past 4 tax years
• I confirm that I am a UK tax payer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax / Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations/subscriptions in that tax year, it is my responsibility to pay any difference.
Please note that, in the case of Joint Membership, it is the Gift Aid status of the person paying which applies and that a single payment covering two Joint Members can be Gift Aided for the full amount.